Conversation Between Daigotsu and Arikana
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
It's not dead, people are just seriously busy. D: Everyone has got a bit of a life going and because I support having a life, I can't complain about it. >3>
I got bored of the internet mostly. XD Sold all my items for art. I came back to get rid of the remaining 12K I had for new OC art. Trisphee seems really dead. :C
What happened to you? You just poofed. D:
Ah, I see, I see.
Have you been on any other sites? Cause this username looks a lot more familiar than Saith. *nodnod*
This is my original beta tester account. Saith will be my trusty mule. :D
Congrats on becoming staff!! <3
Though what's with the name change...again? owo