Conversation Between Mizeria and Rosekitten
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I don't thin I could get back into Gaia. I did log in recently but ... eh.. anyone I talked to has long moved on and I've no way to really contact them anymore.
I'm alright overall.
Really sick currently.
I don't know how active we will be because we've been on Gaia recently.
went so far as to get recolor tickets and we're starting our own color scheme.
I'm doing well ^^ it's really been a long time and it's great seeing people coming back. Shoot I missed a lot of folks.. I use to spend so much time here D:
But how are you~!?
ROSE! -hugs-
I've missed you!
I'm alright, how are you?
Hey you~! Been forever, how are you? ^-^
Mizzy! you still taking items, think I officially am calling it quits for this place. Too much drama for me to give a flying leap about.
just trying to figure out how to do this @-@
Oh you are fine silly ^^; i took a while with my last post to be fair hehe
I was about to message you asking if things were ok actually :P
also take your time i don't think i added much with my last post >.<