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Conversation Between ShadowGrimReaper87 and Glitch
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    11-21-2017 12:01 PM
    Aww sorry to hear that.
  2. 's Avatar
    11-21-2017 12:01 PM
    i'm sick actually!!!! XD
  3. 's Avatar
    11-21-2017 12:00 PM
    Ugh!! Being sick sucks!! DX
    So how have you been?
  4. 's Avatar
    11-11-2017 06:48 PM
    Ugh!! When does it stop!! @_@
    Been busy like crazy!! How are you though? :3
  5. 's Avatar
    10-31-2017 10:40 PM
    Why thank you! ^_^
  6. 's Avatar
    10-30-2017 10:55 PM
    way awesome avi
  7. 's Avatar
    10-29-2017 04:02 PM
    Yeah, plus also for the time of the year I get busy any way. But I have been trying to get on here at least once a day.
  8. 's Avatar
    10-29-2017 03:38 PM
    oh sure i understand
  9. 's Avatar
    10-29-2017 11:36 AM
    Well I can try, but my 5 year old is in school now, and since then life has been busier. DX
  10. 's Avatar
    10-27-2017 06:43 PM
    if you promise to check in once and awhile i'll send you some event items!!!
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