Conversation Between ShadowGrimReaper87 and McSwiggins
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Yes but I was not talking about that. ^_~
But now I have clothing on so there! XP lol XD
Yes bc I don't have any 'parts' to see. ^_~ And you can't tell the gender of a skeleton as well as you could one with flesh if you catch my drift.
Er well yes but under it there is nothing but me bones. ^_~
Well, you're wearing a cape, yes? A cape is an article of clothing. ;)
But skeletons don't wear clothing! D:
I dont know about you but the Grim Reaper is more of a cause for shouting "Oh no!" Than a naked heathen. Haha
Oh no it's a naked wild man!! XO
Still think you're stalking me! XD LOL
ANd yeah I just haven't changed my name here yet, going by my old one.
WHAT the!! Ok NOW I think you are stalking me! XD lol
And yes I am Reaper!