Conversation Between Antigone and Estride
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
Muahaha! You shall be forever pant-less around me!
*Runs around in circles*
Pants Stealer!
*Writes all over you with sharpie* Mine mine mine! <3
Also, message me on Yahoo when you get the chance. =3
*Blushes* O_O
P-put some clothes on!!! *tosses a large sheet over you* That's only for my eyes! <3
Heya Angel, if you're not busy, feel free to hop on Yahoo and message me.
All of the other people here are away on vacation, so I'm all by mahself. I could use my Snugglekitten's company <3
*Squeals and giggles* MUAH! Kisses for my Teddygram <3
Kisses for mah Snugglekitten <3
Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lotsa bunches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There isn't enough space in the universe for how many bunches I love you.
*Lix back* >=3
Lots and lots and lotsa bunches! *Scoops you up into a hug*
*lix* Love you lotsa bunches!