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Conversation Between Ashen Apple Tree and Rainbowfox Ari
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    01-11-2019 04:44 PM
    Ashen Apple Tree
    Aaa getting sick sucks fam, I was sick about two weeks ago.
  2. 's Avatar
    01-08-2019 03:41 PM
    Rainbowfox Ari
    Not too much. I've been achingly busy, and sick off and on. ^^;
  3. 's Avatar
    01-07-2019 10:39 PM
    Ashen Apple Tree
  4. 's Avatar
    01-02-2017 08:02 PM
    Ashen Apple Tree
    oh shit mate thanks!
  5. 's Avatar
    01-01-2017 11:38 PM
    Rainbowfox Ari
    You too!
  6. 's Avatar
    01-01-2017 05:33 PM
    Ashen Apple Tree
    Happy new year buddy.
  7. 's Avatar
    12-25-2016 06:50 AM
    Ashen Apple Tree
    Ah, alright. Cool.
  8. 's Avatar
    12-25-2016 02:48 AM
    Rainbowfox Ari
    Not much. XD
    Just waitin' for things to roll over. -Nodnod-
  9. 's Avatar
    12-24-2016 08:38 PM
    Ashen Apple Tree
    Hi your username, and avatar both shine a light on me that says. You and me'd be friends. What up, bro?
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