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Conversation Between Fauxreal and Kiddiss
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    04-09-2013 07:02 PM
    I hope everything is all right!
  2. 's Avatar
    11-22-2012 03:55 AM

    I don't know if I ever caught you up on all the crap I've been dealing with since July (lots of medical crap... teaser alert: can I borrow some of your wigs? Hats look horrible on me :/ ). If I haven't caught you up, I'll have to do it in PM :3 SO. MUCH. STUFF.

    I hope you have a fantabulous Thanksgiving this year. Ours is gonna be stress-free. Eric FINALLY got a job, but it's seasonal, so he's working right now to get the store ready for last minute T-day shopping... then BLACK FRIDAY *dun dun dun!!* But that means no T-day festivities for us *YaY* I hate family gatherings (one of my countless mental problems). So, we just get to relax and help the babies get re-acquainted (odd thought since they were only apart 3 days!!).

    Hopefully, now that the babies are older, I'll have more free time and can FINALLY come back to Tris full time ^_^ *whee!*

    You take care!
    Love & HUGS!!
  3. 's Avatar
    11-22-2012 03:55 AM

    Actually, it worked out well cuz the boy, Butters, had a urinary tract infection & the lady (Bonnie) was able to get him to the vet 1st thing on Mon. Poor little Butters was peeing blood D: The girl she took was Bebe (Bay-Bay). The one left with us is Antigone, (we call "Tigge" with a long "e").
    Today, we got a call that Bonnie's daughter was in town for Thanksgiving, and brought her 3 cats, 1 of whom has a cold with sneezing. Bonnie didn't want the babies getting sick, so she asked if she could bring them back here. Well, of course she could bring them back here! So, Butters & Bebe came home ^_^ Everyone was happy except for their sister Tigge O_0 WTF? She has been growling & meowing at them since they came in the door! She even growled & hissed AT ME!!
    I don't know how much longer we'll be fostering- maybe until they get adopted?? Oh, well, at least my 5 cats adore the babies ^_^ Smokey sees them as HER babies LOL She's such a great little Mommy <3
  4. 's Avatar
    11-22-2012 03:48 AM

    So, yeah, sure... take the babies that we've poured our heart and soul into for the last 6 weeks just because YOU want to have babies around :/ *not happy face*
  5. 's Avatar
    11-22-2012 03:45 AM
    PART I
    OMG!! My first guess is the Anka Egg item with the Tarot Cards. Is that one yours?? It's "SO YOU!" XD Am I close? :3

    I've been trying to come back full time, but life keeps throwing things in my pathway *ARG!*

    On Oct 2nd, Eric found 4 abandoned baby kittens under our house. These guys were less than 2 weeks old O_0
    These were teeny tiny babies with no teeth, and one who didn't even have his eyes open yet!!
    After weeks of bottle feeding and butt wiping to make them go potty then litter box training, one (Clyde) was adopted out (2 weeks ago). This last Sunday, we took the other 3 to the PetSmart weekly adoption center, and one of Miss Kitty's Cat House's "official" Foster Moms decided she wanted 2 of the remaining 3 kittens because she just adores kittens and hers just got adopted out.
    (cont. in Part II)
  6. 's Avatar
    09-27-2012 02:25 AM
    Look Kat! They turned my items into real items! You can purchase items I designed!
  7. 's Avatar
    06-20-2012 10:05 AM
    Glad you like it! <3
  8. 's Avatar
    06-13-2012 02:36 AM
    (((HUG))) You look like quite the Avenger ^_~ *comic geekettes unite!* *dyslexics untie!*
  9. 's Avatar
    05-25-2012 11:51 AM
    Thanks, Hon! I'm trying to "Go Purple" for Awareness. May is the Awareness Month for both Fibromyalgia and Lupus, and purple is the color for both.
    I think your avi is Dressed to Kill :3
    H'ohboy, family visit ^_^ Fun, yet exhausting *nod* My Mommy came up one Tues to see me *YaY!* I just hope neither Eric nor I got her sick :/ I've had an intestinal bug since Sat and he came home from work Wed morn with strep throat *groan* Luckily, I had my tonsils out 20 years ago (OHMAIGAWSH I'M SO OLD!!), so I don't get strep *knock wood*
    Soooo... we got notice on Sun that our lease isn't getting renewed & last night they closes the Dunkin Donuts where Eric works, erm ... worked. So, yay? Actually, it's a good thing. I'll need him home as much as possible to pack & find a new house, then the move itself. So, since the store closed, he gets the time off w/unemployment benefits.
    I hope you are well & getting back to "normal" (please, not too normal :p )
  10. 's Avatar
    05-22-2012 08:07 PM
    Holy Crap! Your avi looks amazing! and - family was visiting so - I've been dealing with that. But I should be back - slowly. :)
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