Conversation Between Nano and littl3chocobo
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Ah ok I understand. I have to have to head out for now and head to a birthday party , thanks for letting me know and I will post when I get back
by the way i am not a dude yet just so you know, that'll come in due time
No worries , I like that idea a lot to be honest xD
thankyou, and sorry^^: i wanted a creature that'd play well off of your guy's unstable mental health
xD Ok lemme just edit that then
oops, i am sorry i forgot to say bakus eat /nightmares/ ^^:
Aww you didn't have to go through all that trouble T v T;;but thank you so much I love the outfit+shoes!
haha, no worries though i had no red newbie items so i am afraid i had to just throw something together straight from the shop haha
I didn't know if you were gonna view my welcome thread or not but thank you soooo much for the items! I love them! <3