Conversation Between Red Calypso and Asami
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
Heheh, thanks! I felt like joining the crowd.
04-13-2012 08:28 PM
O.o sexy
03-30-2012 05:00 AM
yeah... i havent hit anything yet let me check my achievement list
I hope so. I want to finish getting the shiny new items.
03-30-2012 04:55 AM
i have no clue
I've already reached that one. Is the posting achievement accumulative? Like 10, 20,50?
03-30-2012 04:50 AM
there are tons. like. posting 1000 times in a forum gives you 250 tokens i believe
I'm down to just posting ten times in various forums. Are there any hidden achievements left to find?