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Conversation Between Celestial Delinquent and M e w
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    07-23-2011 12:24 PM
    Celestial Delinquent
    Enjoy yer items!
  2. 's Avatar
    07-20-2011 12:44 AM
    M e w
    Lol ok, I'll let you know if you're giving me something I've already gotten. xD;;
    Thanks again for this though. Hopefully I can spend enough time on Tris to get some more items on my own but I don't know how much time I'll have since I'm gonna be busy still. >:
  3. 's Avatar
    07-20-2011 12:37 AM
    Celestial Delinquent
    Just remind me what I've given you. xD; or else you'll get doubles. Lmao.
  4. 's Avatar
    07-20-2011 12:25 AM
    M e w
    Sure, why not? o v o
  5. 's Avatar
    07-20-2011 12:14 AM
    Celestial Delinquent
    I have a few pieces for you, if you want those now? xD;
  6. 's Avatar
    07-20-2011 12:12 AM
    M e w
    Wow, you're moving fast then. xD
    I gots umm.... a big bag of Skittles. o u o
  7. 's Avatar
    07-20-2011 12:11 AM
    Celestial Delinquent
    Oh, please! I'll have it done by tomorrow, most likely.

  8. 's Avatar
    07-20-2011 12:09 AM
    M e w
    Yay, I really appreciate it. ^^
    Don't worry about trying to finish mine up before you get everything you want though. D:
    I don't want you missing out on anything because of me.
  9. 's Avatar
    07-19-2011 09:47 PM
    Celestial Delinquent
    Haha, not a problem. I have tons to still do, but I'm 95% sure I can get yours before the events up.
  10. 's Avatar
    07-19-2011 07:51 PM
    M e w
    Fffff thank you Batterz. > w < <3
    I'm very grateful that you're helping me at all hehe. I'm hoping I can get active over here again, I hate feeling all distant. I do have to move yet again and start school soon but hopefully that doesn't get it the way too much. D:
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