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Conversation Between Boxxy. and Sora
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    06-24-2013 02:51 PM
    So haha, Just didn't expect it, have frequent here for the past 2 years ?
  2. 's Avatar
    06-24-2013 12:25 PM
    Lol, hi there.
  3. 's Avatar
    06-24-2013 12:27 AM
    Somebody from my friends list is online, thats shocking lol
  4. 's Avatar
    09-23-2010 02:21 PM
    Yah ive been tearing up all day from typing my work, its such a bish to type like this
  5. 's Avatar
    09-23-2010 02:19 PM
    Oooh. That still must have hurt. D:
  6. 's Avatar
    09-23-2010 02:18 PM
    No my hand got a ig full pot droped on it DX
  7. 's Avatar
    09-23-2010 02:17 PM
    Someone said you had hit your head and I thought they were referring to you. o:
  8. 's Avatar
    09-23-2010 02:16 PM
    lol What ??
  9. 's Avatar
    09-23-2010 02:12 PM
    I heard you got bumped on the head with a frying pan. How is your head doing?
  10. 's Avatar
    08-30-2010 03:24 PM
    I spy a sora, with cute avi :o
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