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Demonskid 09-26-2010 09:00 AM

Official Thread Killers Hangout ~O.T.K.H.~

Welcome one and all!

This is the O.T.K.H.!
Tell your friends about us if you know they kill threads.

Do you ever get the feeling that you have killed a thread?
What about when everyone goes to sleep and there is no one left to talk to.

Here in this thread, we thread killers must join together to have a place that with NEVER die!

Welcome my fellow killers, to the OFFICIAL THREAD KILLER HANGOUT!

Here we have Regulare members who come in to just chat, and we have Official Members who carry around their badges proudly! (Official members are people who wear the badges.. please don't steal my Badge =( I worked hard on them)

UPDATE: Badges added :3 if you don't see a color you like, go to wiki and look on the color Palate and send me the image of that color and I will try to make the badge ^-^ More badges will be added as more members join.

This will also be the last hangout thread I make xD I promise!

5+ hours with out a post means you killed a thread :3
1+ week means you pretty much slaughtered the thing ._.,


:Welcome: :Rules: :About DK::Sign Ups: :Official Members: :Buttons: :Reserved: :Reserved: :Reserved: :Reserved:

Demonskid 09-26-2010 09:01 AM


# Follow site and forum rules
# Be kind to one another
# no triple posting
# no begging others for items

Demonskid 09-26-2010 09:02 AM

About DK

Hello I am DK.. well thats the nickname .. full name is Demonskid. I'm also known as Inari (my mule and alterego)

I prefer to be known as the half cat half fox demon that roams around the web finding new places to haunt. I do tend to get bored very fast and will disappear for weeks/months on end. BUT I do have a tenancy to return to the places i liked most. I like anime (Yaoi or action preferred) and manga. J-rock/pop, Vocaloids and other types of music.

I do NOT believe in any kind of god/s. I do love the stories about the Japanese Shinto Gods but I do not believe they or any other will one day save me. So please.. if you have religious views.. keep them to your self.. It's not nice to push your views onto the others who do not have the same thoughts..

My favorite animals are Tigers, Cats, Foxes and Wolves..
I hate ANY type of Monkey/Ape.. never liked them never will.. and I avoid them like I avoid humans out side the inter-webs.

Don't tell me to get a life.. when work is hard to come by, its hard to come by.. there for until I get a job I will have no life.. its tiresome hearing people tell me to get a job when there are no jobs available and they act like they know how the world works.. its ANNOYING! and its probably one of the reasons I kill threads xD

I think thats enough about me..

Demonskid 09-26-2010 09:02 AM


Please PM me your sign up.
Thanks <3


I wanna be a Official Thread Killer
How many times has a thread died on you?:
Why do you wish to be a member?:
Your Favorite Color:
Tell me you love me:

The Difference between an Official Member and someone who comes in to post?

Once I get up to it.. an Official Member will have a Badge! =D
but you don't have to be a member to post.. come right on in and post away!

Demonskid 09-26-2010 09:03 AM

Official Members

Thread Killer Leader D.K.:
  1. Chibi
  2. Duchess
  3. Poggio
  4. Echo-chan713:
  5. DarkForbidden-Love

Demonskid 09-26-2010 09:05 AM

Demonskid 09-26-2010 09:06 AM


Demonskid 09-26-2010 09:07 AM


Demonskid 09-26-2010 09:09 AM


Demonskid 09-26-2010 09:12 AM


Demonskid 09-26-2010 09:14 AM


Ritsuka 09-26-2010 01:40 PM

Demonskid!! <3 1st post. x3

Demonskid 09-26-2010 01:41 PM

Chibi! <3 *huggles*

Ritsuka 09-26-2010 01:44 PM

How have you been? :)

Demonskid 09-26-2010 01:47 PM

I been good.. slept for a WHOLE week xD

Ritsuka 09-26-2010 01:48 PM

That actually sounds really nice. :)

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